I’ve been foraging for fun for over 25 years. My family would often take long walks in the woods, and, even though they weren’t foragers themselves, they made sure that I knew the names of all the plants and animals we’d encounter. When I moved to DC and was on a budget, the idea of getting a free salad with dandelion greens was appealing! But it was really my obsession with morels that made me consider foraging one of my favourite hobbies.
Here are some resources for successful and safe foraging. These sites will help you identify which flowers, mushrooms, and plants are safe to eat, and when you can find them. My top-5 list for things I love to forage for in Washington, DC, would be: Morels, Chantarelles, Chestnuts, Pawpaws, and Dandelion (As the famous quote says, “A weed is but an unloved flower”).
— Overview on Foraging in the Washington, DC, area (Source: DCist)
— A Monthly Guide to Foraging (Source: The Balance Everyday)